易联资本是经中国证券投资基金业协会登记的专业从事股权投资基金管理的金融机构,目前管理着旗下四支基金。易联资本的创始合伙人是中国最早一批从事风险投资的专业人士,同时在国内排名前三甲的证券公司直接从事资产管理、公司IPO和兼并收购等投资银行业务,熟悉国内、国际资本市场。易联资本管理团队核心成员曾在美国著名投资银行爱德华琼斯((Edward Jones)、广发证券、IDG资本、澳洲联邦银行、深圳商业银行等投资银行、证券公司和金融投资机构任职,多位合伙人就读于北京大学、哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学和麻省理工等国内外著名院校。
All our partners received their college education in mainland China.
Our founding partners have experience in managing the asset management group and the investment banking group of Guang Fa Securities, one of the largest investment banks in China (Market Cap US$20 billion as of Sep 21, 2020). As most of the best local companies choose China's local capital market as a stock listing venue, our deep knowledge and hand-on approach provide portfolio companies better access to the local capital markets.
Our Investment strategy targets late stage equity and middle market buyout.
Deals are sourced from established business networks and relationships with local investment banking firms. Because of the nature of the business environment, we believe most of the best high qualified late stage and mid-market buyout opportunities are in the local investment bankers' hands.